Wednesday, December 16, 2015

20151216 - Apple Ale

3 gallons of fresh pressed apples from Bellewood Acres.

English Ale Wyeast #1028

OG - 1.060

Sunday, November 29, 2015

20151128 - 2015/1848 Winter Stout

Based off 1848 Barclay Perkins IBSt - From "The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer"  ISBN: 978-1-59253-882-9

OG 1.073

36 hours prior to pitching I made a starter with 1/2 gallon water, 2x packets of  Wyeast 1098, 1 cup Dry Malt Extract (DME), and 1 tsp yeast nutrients.

All grain in a 10 gallon cooler.

4.5 gallons @ ~188 F added to mash. After sparging 2 gals @ 180F, I still didn't have enough wort for the boil so I ran another 2 gallons through the wort.

21 lbs pale malt 2-row
2.75 lbs amber malt
.75 lbs black malt
1 lbs DME (added this to up the OG, and since I had the remainder from the starter)

7.5 oz US Golding @ 90 mins
7 oz US Golding @ 60 mins
1.5 oz US Golding @ 30 mins (original recipe called for 7 oz here, but with the volume of hops already in the boil this seemed like overkill)

To make this a winter warmer at 10 mins I added 1 oz cinnamon sticks, 1 Tbsp all spice, 1 Tbsp vanilla, and 1 lbs brown sugar.

Transfered ~4 gallons to carboy and added yeast starter 20151129 AM.

Gravity reading 20151206, 6 days in: 1.014 ~7.8% ABV.

Primed bottles with 1/2 cup brown sugar.

Bottled 20151214 with FG 1.020 ~7% ABV.