Sunday, September 10, 2017

20170910 - Braggot

8 lbs pacific northwest pale ale malt
Target mash temp 158F, mash tun weight 9lbs (20 gallon cooler), added 2 gallons (8qt) of water at 188F. Left for 60 minutes, then added 4 gallons of water at 170F for sparge. Added additional 1 gallon of water.

60 minute boil
Added 2oz centennial hops at start of boil.
Added 1 tsp irish moss at 20 minutes to end of boil.
Added 2oz centennial hops at 15 minutes to end of boil.
Added 5 lbs honey at end of boil.
Pitched 2x Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity Style yeast.

1.052 OG 5.5 gallon yield

9/18/2017 - 1.000 SG
9/20/2017 - 1.002 SG - 2nd ferment started

10/03/2017 - 1.002 FG bottled with 1/2 cup honey.
19 - 12oz
15 - 22oz

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