Wednesday, October 9, 2013

20130701 First brewing

First time brewing. Got supplies from north corner brewing with Sam and Brandon to brew IPA #2 and Cascade Pale Ale. IPA original gravity 1.060. Bottled July 8th 2013. IPA FG 1.016. Cascade pale FG 1.011.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

20130929 Big Porter & Black Ale

Big Porter
Modified hopping:

  • 60min - 1oz Cascade and 1/2oz Magnum 
  • 1 min - 1/2oz Magnum 

OG 1.062
Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast

Black Ale
Modified hopping:

  • 60min - 2oz Cascade
  • 10min - 1oz Fuggle
  • 1min - 1oz N. Brewer
OG 1.050
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale yeast
Black Ale boiling

Both beers have a syrupy sweet burned taste to them.

20130930 - ~24 hours in
The Big Porter is overflowing

The Black Ale bubbles every 60 seconds
20131009 - Bottled the Big Porter with a F.G. 1.022 for an ABV of a little over 5%.

20131011 - Bottle the Black Ale with a FG of 1.022 for an ABV of just under 4%

20130811 Yellow plum wine

Yellow plum wine OG -1.090. Used a grain bag to put plums in. Boiled to get rid of bacteria and yeast. Added petic enzyme. Racked into 6.5 gallon car boy and Dry hopped in end of August SG - 0.990. 20130927 racked into 3.5 gallon bucket.

20130915 Red plum wine

OG - 1.090. Racked in to 3 gal car boy on 20130927. SG - 1.000