Sunday, September 29, 2013

20130929 Big Porter & Black Ale

Big Porter
Modified hopping:

  • 60min - 1oz Cascade and 1/2oz Magnum 
  • 1 min - 1/2oz Magnum 

OG 1.062
Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast

Black Ale
Modified hopping:

  • 60min - 2oz Cascade
  • 10min - 1oz Fuggle
  • 1min - 1oz N. Brewer
OG 1.050
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale yeast
Black Ale boiling

Both beers have a syrupy sweet burned taste to them.

20130930 - ~24 hours in
The Big Porter is overflowing

The Black Ale bubbles every 60 seconds
20131009 - Bottled the Big Porter with a F.G. 1.022 for an ABV of a little over 5%.

20131011 - Bottle the Black Ale with a FG of 1.022 for an ABV of just under 4%

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